world yWCA
Through our affiliation with the World YWCA, YWCA USA is part of a global movement to elevate the status of girls and women.
Founded in 1855 in the United Kingdom by Lady Mary Jane Kinnaird and Emma Roberts, the movement spread quickly around the world and has been at the forefront of advancing women’s rights in areas such as the European refugee crisis after World War II and apartheid in South Africa. Today, the World YWCA works for women’s empowerment, leadership and rights in more than 120 countries and 20,000 local communities. The World YWCA’s members and supporters are incredibly diverse, encompassing women from many different faiths, ages, backgrounds, beliefs and cultures.
They are united by a shared vision that by 2035, 100 million young women and girls will transform power structures to create justice, gender equality and a world without violence and war, leading a sustainable YWCA movement, inclusive of all women.
The Objectives of World Council
Fulfill all the tasks required of World Council as provided in the Constitution.
Undertake a collective reflection on the theme of the 29th World Council, in relation to the internal and external challenges that confront YWCA and young women in particular.
Ensure the full integration of young women in the program and process of the 29th World Council.
Celebrate faith through prayer, song, and liturgies that strengthen community and solidarity among World Council delegates and participants.
Engage World Council delegates and participants in a discussion on the state of the YWCA movement and its purpose.
Facilitate the sharing of knowledge and skills between member associations through workshops.
Learn about South Africa, its history, and culture as well as the challenges its women face through inputs, face-to-face interactions, and creative presentations.
United Nations Commission on the Status of Women - UNCSW
YWCA USA sends delegates each year to join with YWCAs from around the world for the annual session of the UNCSW. At each year’s session, we also host a reception to bring together our chapters and partners working at a global scale to empower women and girls.