Child Care
Increase access to quality, affordable childcare and early education programs
Child care and early learning programs are essential for working women and for our nation’s economic future. Unfortunately, systemic barriers have disproportionately impacted marginalized and non-traditional communities, leaving many without access to quality, affordable care. Without additional federal investments that include robust support to hire and retain the child care and early childhood education workforce, families will be left without option and our economy will be in peril. A sustainable childcare infrastructure is pivotal to meeting the needs of all women, families and child care providers.
Guided by the on-the-ground experience and voices of providers, we urge elected officials to:
Stabilize and build the childcare workforce by increasing access to living wages and skills-based training for child care providers and educators
Invest in the long-term stabilization of the child care sector to ensure accessible, quality, affordable childcare and early education programs
Address the mental, behavioral, and emotional health needs of providers and children
Ensure healthy, equitable, and supportive workplaces for teachers, staff, and the children in their care
Join us in our mission to provide early childcare programs
Tell us your story: Child Care Cliff
Join the conversation: Share your child care story today! Failure by Congress to provide emergency funding to avert this child care funding cliff could result in 3.2 million lost child care slots
Call on Your Member to Save Child Care!
Urge Congress to support childcare providers and the families they serve by ensuring that the $16 billion in the President's supplemental budget request is included in the FY 2024 supplemental budget!
Bills We Support/Oppose
Child Care Stabilization Act (S.2574 / H.R.5433)
Child Care for Working Families Act (S.1354, H.R.2976)
Child Care Nutrition Enhancement Act of 2023 (H.R.5569)