Join Us In Taking A Stand Against Racism

 At YWCA, we’ve been working for justice for 160 years. While we’re not new to this work, we also know that we are experiencing a watershed moment in the fight for racial justice. As civil rights continue to be eroded for women, people of color, and other marginalized communities, civic engagement has become even more important. Voting rights and civic engagement are, and have always been, core components of racial justice work. That’s why this year, for YWCA’s annual Stand Against Racism campaign, we are focusing on civic engagement and working to support and ensure full access and engagement for marginalized communities, especially women and girls of color, in the political process.This week, thousands of people are convening at over 400 Stand Against Racism events in communities across the country – and you can be a part of this movement! Each of us has a role to play in the fight for racial justice, and we encourage you to join us over the next few days in our nation-wide campaign to raise awareness about and dismantle institutional and structural racism in our country and build community among those who work for racial justice. Participating in Stand Against Racism is easy! Anyone can join us and take action in ways big or small. From planning and hosting an event or posting a video, to contacting your legislators or engaging with us on social media, there are a number of ways to get involved and show your support:

Tune in to our Facebook Live discussion

Join us and a few of our national partners online for our Facebook Live event on Friday, April 27, at 2:30 p.m. EST – and while you’re at it, share the event information with your friends and encourage them to tune in as well! We’ll be discussing the role civic engagement has played and continues to play in addressing racial inequities, and how empowerment and access to the political process for women of color, people with disabilities, youth, and other marginalized groups are absolutely critical in our work to stand against racism.Can’t make it? Don’t worry! We’ll post the video of our discussion on our Facebook page and you can still watch it anytime.

Attend a Stand Against Racism event near you

There are over 400 events planned in communities across the country, representing almost every single state. Find and attend an event in your community, and bring your friends and family with you! Encourage others to do the same.

Post a short video about why you stand against racism

Film a short video explaining why you stand against racism, and share it with us on social media using the #StandAgainstRacism hashtag. Check out our toolkit for video tips, prompts, and sample social media posts. Watch our CEO Alejandra Y. Castillo’s video and get inspired to film your own!



Hold your own Stand Against Racism event

Want to host an event? Your event can be any size and take place anywhere – even your own home. Anyone can hold their own Stand Against Racism event – you can even register a private event with your family, company or religious group. Once you register your event, you’ll get access to a digital toolkit that includes everything you need to plan your event, and your event will be added to our national map.

Take the pledge to stand against racism 

Take the pledge to join YWCA and hundreds of thousands of people across the country to stand against racism, today and every day.

Get Out The Vote 

As this year’s Stand Against Racism theme is focused around civic engagement, join our efforts to Get Out The Vote! Make sure you’re registered to vote, and remind your friends and family to do the same. While voting may still be inaccessible for many, registering online has never been easier – use our site for quick, easy registration, or simply text YWCA18 to 788-683.Want to do more? Host your own voter registration drive! Whether it’s at your school, office, place of worship, or a sporting event, it is quick and easy to set up and a great way to make registering easy for people in your community. Feel free to use our signs and pledge cards to get started.

Contact your members of Congress 

Help ensure that we hold Congress accountable for taking steps to address systemic racism and improve the quality of life for women and communities of color. Act now and join us in urging members of Congress to support the End Racial (and Religious) Profiling Act, the Trauma Informed Care for Children and Families Act, and the Dream Act.

Engage with us and show your support on social media

Check out some of the interesting events and engagement happening via the #StandAgainstRacism hashtag, and get inspired by all the great participation that is happening at the local and national level! Use social media to:

  • livetweet, recap, and post pictures from events you attend;
  • spread important information around civic engagement and system racism;
  • highlight ways people can be civically engaged and support vulnerable communities in our country;
  • raise awareness about barriers to civic participation for historically disenfranchised groups;
  • share your personal thoughts on why it is so important to stand against racism;
  • chat with others participating in the campaign;
  • share ideas for action and change.

We love seeing the ways you get involved – be sure to use the #StandAgainstRacism hashtag and tag us on Twitter, Facebook, and/or Instagram. And if you’d like to promote the campaign on social media, feel free to download and use our promotional graphics.

Are you a national organization? Join us as an official partner!

We are excited to share a new feature to our campaign this year – national partners! We are thrilled and grateful for the support of these incredible organizations. Their labor and tireless efforts to protect and support women and girls, people of color, youth, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities, survivors of gender-based violence, and other marginalized communities are critical to the movement to end racial injustice in our country. Visit our partner page to see who we’re working with, and be sure to check out their sites and support their efforts!We know that civic engagement is a powerful, critical tool for eliminating racism. In order to dismantle the racist institutions, policies, and practices that are ingrained in our country, we absolutely must activate, serve, organize, and engage our communities in the political process. It is the only way forward into a future that is truly imbued with peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.At a time when women, people of color, and young people are activating like never before, we must build on this work and steadfastly stand against racism together. We each can play a part in the fight to end racial injustice in America. Will you join us? 


It Starts with US!


Join Us In Taking A Stand Against Racism