A Week Without Violence: Economic Abuse – It’s More than Dollars and Cents

Episode #15 - This episode of Organize Your Butterflies is hosted by YWCA CEO Alejandra Y. Castillo and features expert guest Kim Pentico discussing the realities of economic abuse, and how this often “invisible” abuse method is so prominent domestic violence cases. The podcast discusses how to identity economic abuse, what to do if you are in an economically abusive situation, and resources for survivors. YWCA Evanston/North Shore and Financial Education Specialist Fabiola Alfonso is this episode’s featured spotlight. Alfonso discusses the unique challenges that survivors of economic abuse feature, and how YWCA Evanston/North Shore is making it possible for these women to learn and grow both their knowledge and wallets.

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A Week Without Violence: Trauma Informed Care – Helping Survivors Heal


A Week Without Violence: YWCA’s Annual Campaign to End Gender-Based Violence