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The Affordable Care Act and Women

This is an excerpt: By Desiree HoffmanDirector of Advocacy and Policy, YWCA USAMarch 23, 2011, marked the first anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Yet polls show that less than 47% of Americans know how it affects them.

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Blog Blog

The Affordable Care Act and Women

This is an excerpt: By Desiree HoffmanDirector of Advocacy and Policy, YWCA USAMarch 23, 2011, marked the first anniversary of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Yet polls show that less than 47% of Americans know how it affects them.

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Blog Blog

Marie Johnson: From Homeless to YWCA Director

This is an excerpt: All across the country, YWCAs see amazing examples of resilient women who defy odds, overcome incredible obstacles, and empower themselves to create the lives -- amazing lives -- they want to live.One such example is Marie Johnson in Evansville, Ind.

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Blog Blog

Marie Johnson: From Homeless to YWCA Director

This is an excerpt: All across the country, YWCAs see amazing examples of resilient women who defy odds, overcome incredible obstacles, and empower themselves to create the lives -- amazing lives -- they want to live.One such example is Marie Johnson in Evansville, Ind.

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Blog Blog

YWCA CEO Gloria Lau Meets with White House Officials on Jobs for Women

This is an excerpt: Tonight at 7:00 p.m. Eastern time, President Obama will address a joint session of Congress. The President’s speech will focus on his jobs plan which is expected to include initiatives aimed at creating jobs, assistance for state and local governments and assistance for unemployed workers.In anticipation of the speech

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Blog Blog

YWCA CEO Gloria Lau Meets with White House Officials on Jobs for Women

This is an excerpt: Tonight at 7:00 p.m. Eastern time, President Obama will address a joint session of Congress. The President’s speech will focus on his jobs plan which is expected to include initiatives aimed at creating jobs, assistance for state and local governments and assistance for unemployed workers.In anticipation of the speech

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Blog Blog

Has the Economic Recovery Left Women Behind?

This is an excerpt: The National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) released a startling report that shows women have lost ground in the job market in the two years since the recession officially ended in June 2009. According to NWLC, since the beginning of the recovery men have regained lost jobs, while women have gained no net jobs.

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Blog Blog

Has the Economic Recovery Left Women Behind?

This is an excerpt: The National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) released a startling report that shows women have lost ground in the job market in the two years since the recession officially ended in June 2009. According to NWLC, since the beginning of the recovery men have regained lost jobs, while women have gained no net jobs.

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Blog Blog

Support Military Women!

This is an excerpt: Throughout the summer, the YWCA USA will be celebrating our sisters in arms, the women who volunteer for the United States armed forces.

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YWCA to Host Live Webcast on "The Politics of Beauty" on June 20, 2011

This is an excerpt: YWCA USA will host a free, live webinar entitled “Beauty and the Beholder: The Politics of Beauty and Image” to address the issue of Appearance-Based Discrimination. The webinar will explore the impact of discrimination based on looks for all women across the nation. The webinar will also focus on this issue within the context of the mission of the YWCA: Empowering Women and Eliminating Racism.

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