Better Because of Her: Empowered Women Making Change

Fact: The world is a better place because of women.Due to the contributions of women who have acted as trailblazers and advocated for change, we are now living in an era of self-definition — and collective engagement. We’re in an era of empowering agency — and societal responsibility. And we’re in an era of enormous progress and in a threatening climate of setbacks. Although much work remains to ensure true gender equality, the progress we have made is largely due to the women who have fought and continue to fight for equal rights, equal pay, equal education, and equal opportunity.Every day, women get up and do the work to take care of their families, put food on the table, advocate for reproductive freedom and pay equity, break barriers in the workplace, show up at the ballot box, and so much more.Thanks to the work of women, we are all better off. It was because of women that Roe v. Wade passed, giving all people the reproductive freedom to make fundamental decisions about whether and when to have children. It was because of women that VAWA passed, ensuring survivors have access to the critical resources and support they need during some of the worst times of their lives. It was because of women leaders that critical legislation and social equity movements formed to fight for justice and make the world a better place for all of us.Things are much better. They’re better because of her.That’s why this year for Women’s History Month, we are highlighting women who put in the work to eliminate racism, empower women, and create a better and stronger world for all. Throughout the month, we will be centering women such as:

  • Thasunda Brown Duckett, the President and CEO of a Fortune 100 company, who fights for financial security for people working in higher education, healthcare, and other mission-driven organizations.
  • Shemara Wikramanayake, one of the world’s most powerful businesswomen, who puts her acumen to work by advocating for private capital solutions to our existential climate issues.
  • Naomi Osaka, a tennis champion proving that athleticism and personal ambition can coexist with activism and mental health.
  • Dolores Huerta, a labor leader and civil rights activist who fought for unions and later became the first Latina inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame.
  • Winona LaDuke, an economist and internationally renowned activist fighting for tribal land claims, preservations, and funding for Native environmental groups.

At the heart of our efforts to highlight the world-changing contributions of women like her is a profound sense of gratitude for the sacrifices that women have made to better their communities not just for themselves — but for all people. We are humbled by these sacrifices, we are empowered by them, we are better because of them. These women embody the credo that is central to what makes us YWCA: they work to eliminate racism, empower women, and create a world of peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all.Join us on a month-long celebration of the women who made us better. We’re going to be underscoring the tremendous accomplishments of well-known women, women changing their communities all around the globe, women active in civic engagement, young women who are making waves, and some of our beloved YWCA leaders, essential workers, and volunteers.Follow us on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram, where we’ll be highlighting the substantial progress we’ve made because of the extraordinary women in our lives. Join in the conversation using #BecauseOfHer, #EmpoweredWomen, and #WomensHerstoryMonth to spotlight the work of women in your community. 


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